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PdfWcfSettings Properties

The PdfWcfSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClientCloseTimeout
Gets or sets the interval of time provided for a connection to the service to close before the transport used by RAD PDF raises an exception.
Public propertyClientMaxReceivedMessageSize
Gets or sets the maximum size, in bytes, for a message that can be processed by the binding.
Public propertyClientOpenTimeout
Gets or sets the interval of time provided for a connection to the service to open before the transport used by RAD PDF raises an exception.
Public propertyClientReceiveTimeout
Gets or sets the interval of time that a connection can remain inactive, during which no application messages are received, before it is dropped.
Public propertyClientSecurityMode
Gets or sets the a value specifying the binding's security mode.
Public propertyClientSendTimeout
Gets or sets the interval of time provided for a write operation to complete before the transport used by RAD PDF raises an exception.
Public propertyMessageDataSizeThreshold
Gets or sets the a value specifying the size threshold for message data contained in a WCF message.
Public propertyCode exampleServiceHost
Gets or sets a value representing the host name of the service used by this configuration.
Public propertyCode exampleServicePort
Gets or sets a value representing the port on which the service is listening and should be communicated to by this configuration.
See Also