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PdfHttpSettings Properties

The PdfHttpSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleEnableCaching
Gets or sets a value indicating whether HTTP caching should used on HTTP responses for reusable document resources such as rendered page images or text selection data.
Public propertyCode exampleEnableCompression
Gets or sets a value indicating whether HTTP compression (e.g. GZIP and Flate) can be used on HTTP responses.
Public propertyCode exampleEnableLogging
Gets or sets a value indicating whether exceptions thrown by the [!:PdfHttpHandler] should be logged to the Windows Application Log.
Public propertyCode exampleHttpHandlerPath
Gets or sets a value representing the path RAD PDF should use when requesting resources via the HttpHandler.
Public propertyCode exampleLogDocumentKeyNotFoundException
Gets or sets a value indicating whether exceptions thrown by the [!:PdfHttpHandler], when a document key is missing, should be logged to the Windows Application Log.
See Also