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PdfAdvancedSettings Properties

The PdfAdvancedSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowHttpHandlerRendering
Gets or sets a value representing whether rendering should be allowed directly by the [!:PdfHttpHandler] instead of relying on the RAD PDF System Service for server side rendering.
Public propertyCode exampleCMapDirectory
Gets or sets a value representing a directory where CMap resources can be found.
Public propertyCMapDirectoryExists
Gets a value indicating whether CMapDirectory's current value exists and is accessible.
Public propertyTempDirectory
Gets or sets a value representing a directory where temp files should be created (if a temp file should be used when loading / saving).
Public propertyCode exampleUseService
Gets or sets a value representing whether instances are allowed to use the RAD PDF System Service for rendering pages, prints, and text.
Public propertyUseTempThreshold
Gets or sets a value representing the PDF file size threshold above which a temp file should be used when loading / saving.
Public propertyCode exampleUseUniscribe
Gets or sets a value representing whether instances RAD PDF should use Uniscribe on Windows platforms, allowing for connected / joined characters in supported fonts (e.g. Arabic).
See Also