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DocumentSavingEventArgs Properties

The DocumentSavingEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCancelMessage
Gets or sets a value representing the cancel message displayed to the client if Cancel is true.
Public propertyCertifyUsing
Gets or sets the signature certificate, if any, to sign the document (using an RSA certificate) when saved.
Public propertyDocument
Gets an object representing the PdfDocument about to be saved.
Public propertyDocumentID
Gets a value representing the DocumentID associated with this event as an Int32.
(Inherited from DocumentCancelEventArgs.)
Public propertyDocumentKey
Gets a value representing the DocumentKey associated with this event as a String.
(Inherited from DocumentCancelEventArgs.)
Public propertyDocumentProperties
Gets a PdfDocumentProperties class containing common properties describing the Document being saved.
Public propertyFlatten
Gets or sets a value indicating whether annotations and form fields in the Document should be flattened when saving.
Public propertyIsLiteDocument
Gets a value indicating whether this document is a Lite Document (created with PdfWebControlLite) or not (and hence created with PdfWebControl).
(Inherited from DocumentCancelEventArgs.)
Public propertyLiteSession
Gets the PdfLiteSession associated with this Lite Document.
(Inherited from DocumentCancelEventArgs.)
Public propertySaveDocumentChanges
Gets or sets a value indicating whether changes made to Document should be saved so that the next time the document is loaded, these changes are seen.
Public propertySaveType
Gets a value indicating the type of save which raised this event.
See Also