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PdfStorageAdapterRemoveOldPdfs Method

Remove PDF data from RAD PDF's pdfs table older than a given period of time and not in use by a PdfDocument in storage.

Namespace:  RadPdf.Integration
Assembly:  RadPdfStandard (in RadPdfStandard.dll) Version: (
public void RemoveOldPdfs(
	TimeSpan olderThan


Type: SystemTimeSpan
Resources older than this value will be removed from storage.

This method is typically used to perform maintenance on the storage provider used by RAD PDF.

This operation may require a substantial amount of time to complete.

olderThan should be a positive TimeSpan value.

In this example, we run a portion of the RAD PDF maintenance routinue. If using RAD PDF's storage as temporary cache, a value of about 7 days is typical.
// Create a new instance of the PdfStorageAdapter using settings from web.config
using(PdfStorageAdapter adapter = new PdfStorageAdapter())
    adapter..RemoveOldPdfs(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0));
See Also