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PdfFieldHighlightColor Property

Gets or sets the color used by this form field to highlight the field (when highlighting is enabled).

Namespace:  RadPdf.Data.Document.Objects.FormFields
Assembly:  RadPdf (in RadPdf.dll) Version: (
public PdfColor HighlightColor { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: PdfColor

If null, RAD PDF's default values will take effect:

Blue (#0000ff)The field was not created or unlocked by RAD PDF
Red (#ff0000)The field was not created or unlocked by RAD PDF and is required
Transparent (transparent)The field was not created or unlocked by RAD PDF and is read-only
Green (#00ff00)The field was created or unlocked by RAD PDF

The default value of property is null.

This highlight color is only used by RAD PDF and will not be embedded in any PDF file saved using RAD PDF. This setting will have no effect on the output PDF or how it is displayed in third party applications.

See Also