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PdfWebControlLiteRenderAtClientForViewing Property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether RAD PDF should render pages and text for the viewer client side.

Namespace:  RadPdf.Web.UI
Assembly:  RadPdf (in RadPdf.dll) Version: (
public bool RenderAtClientForViewing { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Boolean
true pages and text should be rendered at the client; otherwise false, and the PDF will be rendered server side. The default is false.

If true, DisableDownload must not be set for the open document. Remember, rendering a PDF at the client requires that the entire PDF be transmitted to the browser to render the PDF because it is a client side (JavaScript) library!

Not all browsers support rendering the PDF! In general, only the latest versions of Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge should be expected to work. Please contact Red Software for more information about which browsers are supported.

While not as as mature as RAD PDF's server side renderer (or others), the client side renderer offers a number of advantages when using RAD PDF:

  • Page to page rendering is typically much faster (as there is no network transmit time and rendering is done in browser)
  • RAD PDF can be run without the System Service (see caveats below)
  • Typically reduces server load as rendering is done client side, not server side
  • Zooming may be clearer, esp at higher zoom levels
Rendering at the client also has some drawbacks:
  • Far fewer browsers are supported when enabled
  • Initial page rendering is typically slower (as the entire PDF has to be downloaded to the client first)
  • Rendering at the client may not render PDF files in exactly the same way as other tools, including RAD PDF, which may lead to unexpected results when doing things like placing objects or selecting text
  • The PDF must be transmitted to the user, as such, (1) DisableDownload can not be set and (2) downloading the entire PDF may take more bandwidth and/or time than using RAD PDF's renderer

RAD PDF will do a basic attempt to determine if the PDF can be rendered client side. If not, RAD PDF will fall back to server rendering.

See Also