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DocumentAppendingEventArgsMaxPdfPageHeight Property

Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum height of a page which this document can contain after the DataToAppend is appended.

Namespace:  RadPdf.Integration
Assembly:  RadPdf (in RadPdf.dll) Version: (
public int MaxPdfPageHeight { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Int32
The maximum height of a page, in pixels, allowed to be appended; otherwise NoMaxPdfPageHeight for no maximum. The default value is NoMaxPdfPageHeight.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionMaxPdfPageHeight can not be less than 0.

This property will be ignored if AllowFindMatchingPdf is true and the document to be appended was previously loaded.

Setting this property to NoMaxPdfPageHeight (default) will allow a PDF with any height to be loaded.

As this value is in pixels, the value of RenderDpi should be considered. For example, if MaxPdfPageHeight is 1000 and RenderDpi is 100, loading a document with an 11 inch height would cause an exception to be thrown. (Because 11 * 100 = 1100, which is greater than 1000.) But if MaxPdfPageHeight is 1000 and RenderDpi is 72, loading that same document with an 11 inch height would not cause an exception to be thrown. (Because 11 * 100 = 792, which is less than 1000.)

If the document contains a page with more vertical pixels than MaxPdfPageHeight, an exception will be thrown.

This property has no effect unless AppendType is Data.

See Also