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PdfFontResourceCollectionFind Method

Finds the first font resource which should be used for the non-standard PDF font in this document.

Namespace:  RadPdf.Integration
Assembly:  RadPdf (in RadPdf.dll) Version: (
public PdfFontResource Find(
	string name


Type: SystemString
PDF font name

Return Value

Type: PdfFontResource
The PdfFontResource (or an appropriate replacement) which should be used for the non-standard PDF font in this document, or null if nothing is found.

If AllowApproximateMatch is true, some short values (e.g. "a") in see MatchingNames unexpected matches may occur. For example, if you added custom font named "Ana" (giving it the default matching name "Ana" and putting it first) and AllowApproximateMatch is true, then a non-standard PDF font named "Verdana" would unexpectedly match "Ana" and that custom font returned.

See Also