<%@ Page Language="C#" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="RadPdf" Namespace="RadPdf.Web.UI" TagPrefix="radPdf" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function initRadPdf()
// Get id
var id = "<%= PdfWebControl1.ClientID%>";
// Get api instance
var api = new PdfWebControlApi(id);
// Function for finding object by customData
function findObject(s)
for( var i = 1; i <= api.getPageCount(); i++ )
var p = api.getPage(i);
for( var j = 0; j < p.getObjectCount(); j++ )
var o = p.getObject(j);
if( o.getProperties()["customData"] == s )
return o;
// Attach listeners
function(evt) {
// Get properties of changed object
var props = evt.obj.getProperties();
// If the popup signature was changed (or signed)
if( "MyPopupSignature" == props.customData )
// Change popup hint if signed
var msg = props.isSigned ? "thank you for signing!" : "click above to sign via popup"
// Update hint object
findObject("MyPopupHint").setProperties( { "text" : msg } );
function(evt) {
// If this is our special image signature object
if( "MyImageSignature" == evt.obj.getProperties()["customData"] )
// Set the image via key
<title>RAD PDF Sample</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<radPdf:PdfWebControl id="PdfWebControl1" runat="server" height="600px" width="100%" OnClientLoad="initRadPdf();"
HideToolsMenu="true" HideToolsTabs="true" HideObjectPropertiesBar="true" HideBookmarks="true" HideThumbnails="true" />
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using RadPdf.Data.Document;
using RadPdf.Data.Document.Common;
using RadPdf.Data.Document.Objects;
using RadPdf.Data.Document.Objects.FormFields;
using RadPdf.Data.Document.Objects.Shapes;
using RadPdf.Data.Document.Pages;
partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
// Create new document for DEMO
this.PdfWebControl1.CreateDocument("Document_Name", 1, PdfPageSize.Letter, PdfDocumentSettings.FlattenForm);
// NOTE: To use PdfWebControlLite instead, change <radPdf:PdfWebControl ... to <radPdf:PdfWebControlLite ... in the .aspx file and replace the above line with:
// RadPdf.Lite.PdfLiteSettings settings = new RadPdf.Lite.PdfLiteSettings();
// settings.DocumentSettings = PdfDocumentSettings.FlattenForm;
// this.PdfWebControl1.CreateDocument("Document_Name", 1, PdfPageSize.Letter, settings);
// Setup document editor
PdfDocumentEditor editor = this.PdfWebControl1.EditDocument();
int dpi = Convert.ToInt32(editor.Document.Dpi);
// Create custom font form field example (It will be flattened on save. Replace "PdfDocumentSettings.FlattenForm" with "PdfDocumentSettings.None" above to prevent this.)
PdfTextField field = editor.Pages[0].CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.FormFieldText) as PdfTextField;
field.Top = dpi;
field.Left = 3 * dpi / 4;
field.Width = dpi * 2;
field.Height = dpi / 2;
field.Font.Name = "Signature";
field.Font.Size = dpi / 4;
field.Deletable = false;
field.Duplicatable = false;
field.Moveable = false;
field.Name = "MySignatureField";
field.Resizable = false;
field.Stylable = false;
// Create image example
PdfImageShape image = editor.Pages[0].CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeImage) as PdfImageShape;
image.Top = dpi;
image.Left = 13 * dpi / 4;
image.Width = dpi * 2;
image.Height = dpi / 2;
image.CustomData = "MyImageSignature";
image.Deletable = false;
image.Duplicatable = false;
image.Moveable = false;
image.Resizable = false;
image.Stylable = false;
image.ImageData = File.ReadAllBytes(Server.MapPath(@"/demo/images/empty.gif"));
// Create signature shape example
PdfSignatureShape signature = editor.Pages[0].CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeSignature) as PdfSignatureShape;
signature.Top = dpi;
signature.Left = 23 * dpi / 4;
signature.Width = dpi * 2;
signature.Height = dpi / 2;
signature.Border = new PdfBorder(2, PdfBorderStyle.Solid, new PdfColor(Color.Black));
signature.PenColor = new PdfColor(Color.Blue);
signature.PenWidth = 2;
// Create signature shape popup example
PdfSignatureShape signaturePopup = editor.Pages[0].CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeSignature) as PdfSignatureShape;
signaturePopup.Top = 2 * dpi;
signaturePopup.Left = 13 * dpi / 4;
signaturePopup.Width = dpi * 2;
signaturePopup.Height = dpi / 2;
signaturePopup.Border = new PdfBorder(2, PdfBorderStyle.Solid, new PdfColor(Color.Black));
signaturePopup.CustomData = "MyPopupSignature";
signaturePopup.Font.Name = "Signature";
signaturePopup.Font.Size = dpi / 4;
signaturePopup.PenColor = new PdfColor(Color.Blue);
signaturePopup.PenWidth = 2;
signaturePopup.PopupInput = true;
// Create hints
PdfTextShape fHint = editor.Pages[0].CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeText) as PdfTextShape;
fHint.Top = 5 + 3 * dpi / 2;
fHint.Left = 3 * dpi / 4;
fHint.Width = dpi * 2;
fHint.Height = dpi / 4;
fHint.Font.Name = "Arial";
fHint.Font.Size = dpi / 8;
fHint.Changeable = false;
fHint.Deletable = false;
fHint.Duplicatable = false;
fHint.HideFocusOutline = true;
fHint.Moveable = false;
fHint.OutputToPDF = false;
fHint.Print = false;
fHint.Resizable = false;
fHint.Stylable = false;
fHint.Text = "type a signature";
fHint.Wrappable = false;
PdfTextShape iHint = editor.Pages[0].CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeText) as PdfTextShape;
iHint.Top = 5 + 3 * dpi / 2;
iHint.Left = 13 * dpi / 4;
iHint.Width = dpi * 2;
iHint.Height = dpi / 4;
iHint.Font.Name = "Arial";
iHint.Font.Size = dpi / 8;
iHint.Changeable = false;
iHint.Deletable = false;
iHint.Duplicatable = false;
iHint.HideFocusOutline = true;
iHint.Moveable = false;
iHint.OutputToPDF = false;
iHint.Print = false;
iHint.Resizable = false;
iHint.Stylable = false;
iHint.Text = "click above to sign via image";
iHint.Wrappable = false;
PdfTextShape sHint = editor.Pages[0].CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeText) as PdfTextShape;
sHint.Top = 5 + 3 * dpi / 2;
sHint.Left = 23 * dpi / 4;
sHint.Width = dpi * 2;
sHint.Height = dpi / 4;
sHint.Font.Name = "Arial";
sHint.Font.Size = dpi / 8;
sHint.Changeable = false;
sHint.Deletable = false;
sHint.Duplicatable = false;
sHint.HideFocusOutline = true;
sHint.Moveable = false;
sHint.OutputToPDF = false;
sHint.Print = false;
sHint.Resizable = false;
sHint.Stylable = false;
sHint.Text = "draw a signature with your mouse";
sHint.Wrappable = false;
PdfTextShape pHint = editor.Pages[0].CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeText) as PdfTextShape;
pHint.Top = 5 + 5 * dpi / 2;
pHint.Left = 13 * dpi / 4;
pHint.Width = dpi * 2;
pHint.Height = dpi / 4;
pHint.CustomData = "MyPopupHint";
pHint.Font.Name = "Arial";
pHint.Font.Size = dpi / 8;
pHint.Changeable = false;
pHint.Deletable = false;
pHint.Duplicatable = false;
pHint.HideFocusOutline = true;
pHint.Moveable = false;
pHint.OutputToPDF = false;
pHint.Print = false;
pHint.Resizable = false;
pHint.Stylable = false;
pHint.Text = "click above to sign via popup";
pHint.Wrappable = false;
// Save changes
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<add key="RadPdfConnectionString" value="Server=.\SQLExpress;Database=RadPdf;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"/>
<add key="RadPdfIntegrationProvider" value="SignaturesPdfIntegrationProvider,App_Code"/>
<add key="RadPdfLicenseKey" value="DEMO"/>
<add path="RadPdf.axd" verb="GET,POST" type="RadPdf.Web.HttpHandler.PdfHttpHandler"/>
The system.webServer element is for use with IIS 7 (and later) when Managed Pipeline Mode is set to "Integrated".
It will be ignored in other versions of IIS.
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
<add path="RadPdf.axd" verb="GET,POST" name="PdfHttpHandler" preCondition="integratedMode" type="RadPdf.Web.HttpHandler.PdfHttpHandler"/>
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Web;
using RadPdf.Data.Document;
using RadPdf.Data.Document.Common;
using RadPdf.Data.Document.Objects;
using RadPdf.Data.Document.Objects.Shapes;
using RadPdf.Data.Document.Pages;
using RadPdf.Integration;
public class SignaturesPdfIntegrationProvider : PdfIntegrationProvider
public SignaturesPdfIntegrationProvider()
: base()
// Add the signature font of our choice.
// This example uses Herr Von Muellerhoff which is an open source font (SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1).
// Herr Von Muellerhoff must be installed on your server. The TrueType file is provided by Google here:
this.FontResources.Add(new PdfFontResource("Signature", "Herr Von Muellerhoff, cursive, serif", "Herr Von Muellerhoff"));
private static void ApplyTimestamp(PdfDocument document, string timestampText)
const string TimestampCustomData = "timestamp";
int dpi = Convert.ToInt32(document.Dpi);
// Add our watermark on each page
foreach (PdfPage p in document.Pages)
PdfTextShape timestamp = FindOnPage(p, TimestampCustomData) as PdfTextShape;
// If not found
if (null == timestamp)
timestamp = p.CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeText) as PdfTextShape;
// Set custom data so we can find it next save and re-use it
timestamp.CustomData = TimestampCustomData;
// Set position
timestamp.Left = 0;
timestamp.Top = dpi * 3;
timestamp.Height = dpi / 2;
timestamp.Width = p.Width;
timestamp.Rotation = PdfRotation.Rotation0;
// Set properties
timestamp.Changeable = false;
timestamp.Deletable = false;
timestamp.Duplicatable = false;
timestamp.HideFocusOutline = true;
timestamp.Moveable = false;
timestamp.Resizable = false;
timestamp.Stylable = false;
timestamp.Wrappable = true;
// Set font
timestamp.Font.Alignment = PdfHorizontalAlignment.AlignCenter;
timestamp.Font.Color = new PdfColor(Color.Red);
timestamp.Font.Size = dpi / 3;
// Set text
timestamp.Text = timestampText;
private static PdfObject FindOnPage(PdfPage page, string searchForCustomData)
foreach (PdfObject o in page.Objects)
if (o.CustomData == searchForCustomData)
return o;
return null;
public override void OnDocumentInit(DocumentInitEventArgs e)
//Add web font for client side fall back if Herr Von Muellerhoff isn't installed on clients.
// ( is a more privacy conscious option vs.
e.ExternalStyle = "";
// Or to use Google Fonts:
// e.ExternalStyle = "";
public override void OnDocumentPrinting(DocumentPrintingEventArgs e)
string timestampText = "Last Printed " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString();
ApplyTimestamp(e.Document, timestampText);
public override void OnDocumentSaving(DocumentSavingEventArgs e)
string timestampText = "Last Saved " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString();
ApplyTimestamp(e.Document, timestampText);
public override void OnDocumentSaved(DocumentSavedEventArgs e)
// Reload the document client side after saving
e.ThenReloadDocument = true;
public override void ProcessObjectDataRequest(PdfDataContext context)
switch (context.Request.DataKey)
case "MyImageSignature":
// Write a file to the response
// Alternatively, we could also use the .Write method to write data from almost any source (e.g. database, memory, etc.)
<%@ Page Language="VB" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="RadPdf" Namespace="RadPdf.Web.UI" TagPrefix="radPdf" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function initRadPdf()
// Get id
var id = "<%= PdfWebControl1.ClientID%>";
// Get api instance
var api = new PdfWebControlApi(id);
// Function for finding object by customData
function findObject(s)
for( var i = 1; i <= api.getPageCount(); i++ )
var p = api.getPage(i);
for( var j = 0; j < p.getObjectCount(); j++ )
var o = p.getObject(j);
if( o.getProperties()["customData"] == s )
return o;
// Attach listeners
function(evt) {
// Get properties of changed object
var props = evt.obj.getProperties();
// If the popup signature was changed (or signed)
if( "MyPopupSignature" == props.customData )
// Change popup hint if signed
var msg = props.isSigned ? "thank you for signing!" : "click above to sign via popup"
// Update hint object
findObject("MyPopupHint").setProperties( { "text" : msg } );
function(evt) {
// If this is our special image signature object
if( "MyImageSignature" == evt.obj.getProperties()["customData"] )
// Set the image via key
<title>RAD PDF Sample</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<radPdf:PdfWebControl id="PdfWebControl1" runat="server" height="600px" width="100%" OnClientLoad="initRadPdf();"
HideToolsMenu="true" HideToolsTabs="true" HideObjectPropertiesBar="true" HideBookmarks="true" HideThumbnails="true" />
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Imports RadPdf.Data.Document
Imports RadPdf.Data.Document.Common
Imports RadPdf.Data.Document.Objects
Imports RadPdf.Data.Document.Objects.FormFields
Imports RadPdf.Data.Document.Objects.Shapes
Imports RadPdf.Data.Document.Pages
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then
' Create new document for DEMO (It will be flattened on save. Replace PdfDocumentSettings.FlattenForm with PdfDocumentSettings.None to prevent this.)
Me.PdfWebControl1.CreateDocument("Document_Name", 1, PdfPageSize.Letter, PdfDocumentSettings.FlattenForm)
' NOTE: To use PdfWebControlLite instead, change <radPdf:PdfWebControl ... to <radPdf:PdfWebControlLite ... in the .aspx file and replace the above line with:
' Dim settings As RadPdf.Lite.PdfLiteSettings = New RadPdf.Lite.PdfLiteSettings()
' settings.DocumentSettings = PdfDocumentSettings.FlattenForm
' Me.PdfWebControl1.CreateDocument("Document_Name", 1, PdfPageSize.Letter, settings)
' Setup document editor
Dim editor As PdfDocumentEditor = Me.PdfWebControl1.EditDocument()
Dim dpi as Integer = Convert.ToInt32(editor.Document.Dpi)
' Create custom font form field example (It will be flattened on save. Replace "PdfDocumentSettings.FlattenForm" with "PdfDocumentSettings.None" above to prevent this.)
Dim field As PdfTextField = DirectCast(editor.Pages(0).CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.FormFieldText), PdfTextField)
field.Top = dpi
field.Left = 3 * dpi \ 4
field.Width = dpi * 2
field.Height = dpi \ 2
field.Font.Name = "Signature"
field.Font.Size = dpi \ 4
field.Deletable = False
field.Duplicatable = False
field.Moveable = False
field.Name = "MySignatureField"
field.Resizable = False
field.Stylable = False
' Create image example
Dim image As PdfImageShape = DirectCast(editor.Pages(0).CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeImage), PdfImageShape)
image.Top = dpi
image.Left = 13 * dpi \ 4
image.Width = dpi * 2
image.Height = dpi \ 2
image.CustomData = "MyImageSignature"
image.Deletable = False
image.Duplicatable = False
image.Moveable = False
image.Resizable = False
image.Stylable = False
image.ImageData = File.ReadAllBytes(Server.MapPath("/demo/images/empty.gif"))
' Create signature shape example
Dim signature As PdfSignatureShape = DirectCast(editor.Pages(0).CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeSignature), PdfSignatureShape)
signature.Top = dpi
signature.Left = 23 * dpi \ 4
signature.Width = dpi * 2
signature.Height = dpi \ 2
signature.Border = new PdfBorder(2, PdfBorderStyle.Solid, new PdfColor(Color.Black))
signature.PenColor = new PdfColor(Color.Blue)
signature.PenWidth = 2
' Create signature shape popup example
Dim signaturePopup As PdfSignatureShape = DirectCast(editor.Pages(0).CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeSignature), PdfSignatureShape)
signaturePopup.Top = 2 * dpi
signaturePopup.Left = 13 * dpi \ 4
signaturePopup.Width = dpi * 2
signaturePopup.Height = dpi \ 2
signaturePopup.Border = new PdfBorder(2, PdfBorderStyle.Solid, new PdfColor(Color.Black))
signaturePopup.CustomData = "MyPopupSignature"
signaturePopup.Font.Name = "Signature"
signaturePopup.Font.Size = dpi / 4
signaturePopup.PenColor = new PdfColor(Color.Blue)
signaturePopup.PenWidth = 2
signaturePopup.PopupInput = true
' Create hints
Dim fHint As PdfTextShape = DirectCast(editor.Pages(0).CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeText), PdfTextShape)
fHint.Top = 3 * dpi \ 2
fHint.Left = 3 * dpi \ 4
fHint.Width = dpi * 2
fHint.Height = dpi \ 4
fHint.Font.Name = "Arial"
fHint.Font.Size = dpi \ 8
fHint.Changeable = False
fHint.Deletable = False
fHint.Duplicatable = False
fHint.HideFocusOutline = True
fHint.Moveable = False
fHint.OutputToPDF = False
fHint.Print = False
fHint.Resizable = False
fHint.Stylable = False
fHint.Text = "type a signature"
fHint.Wrappable = False
Dim iHint As PdfTextShape = DirectCast(editor.Pages(0).CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeText), PdfTextShape)
iHint.Top = 3 * dpi \ 2
iHint.Left = 13 * dpi \ 4
iHint.Width = dpi * 2
iHint.Height = dpi \ 4
iHint.Font.Name = "Arial"
iHint.Font.Size = dpi \ 8
iHint.Changeable = False
iHint.Deletable = False
iHint.Duplicatable = False
iHint.HideFocusOutline = True
iHint.Moveable = False
iHint.OutputToPDF = False
iHint.Print = False
iHint.Resizable = False
iHint.Stylable = False
iHint.Text = "click above to sign via image"
iHint.Wrappable = False
Dim sHint As PdfTextShape = DirectCast(editor.Pages(0).CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeText), PdfTextShape)
sHint.Top = 3 * dpi \ 2
sHint.Left = 23 * dpi \ 4
sHint.Width = dpi * 2
sHint.Height = dpi \ 4
sHint.Font.Name = "Arial"
sHint.Font.Size = dpi \ 8
sHint.Changeable = False
sHint.Deletable = False
sHint.Duplicatable = False
sHint.HideFocusOutline = True
sHint.Moveable = False
sHint.OutputToPDF = False
sHint.Print = False
sHint.Resizable = False
sHint.Stylable = False
sHint.Text = "draw a signature with your mouse"
sHint.Wrappable = False
Dim pHint As PdfTextShape = DirectCast(editor.Pages(0).CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeText), PdfTextShape)
pHint.Top = 5 + 5 * dpi \ 2
pHint.Left = 13 * dpi \ 4
pHint.Width = dpi * 2
pHint.Height = dpi \ 4
pHint.CustomData = "MyPopupHint"
pHint.Font.Name = "Arial"
pHint.Font.Size = dpi / 8
pHint.Changeable = False
pHint.Deletable = False
pHint.Duplicatable = False
pHint.HideFocusOutline = True
pHint.Moveable = False
pHint.OutputToPDF = False
pHint.Print = False
pHint.Resizable = False
pHint.Stylable = False
pHint.Text = "click above to sign via popup"
pHint.Wrappable = False
' Save changes
End If
End Sub
End Class
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<add key="RadPdfConnectionString" value="Server=.\SQLExpress;Database=RadPdf;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"/>
<add key="RadPdfIntegrationProvider" value="SignaturesPdfIntegrationProvider,App_Code"/>
<add key="RadPdfLicenseKey" value="DEMO"/>
<add path="RadPdf.axd" verb="GET,POST" type="RadPdf.Web.HttpHandler.PdfHttpHandler"/>
The system.webServer element is for use with IIS 7 (and later) when Managed Pipeline Mode is set to "Integrated".
It will be ignored in other versions of IIS.
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
<add path="RadPdf.axd" verb="GET,POST" name="PdfHttpHandler" preCondition="integratedMode" type="RadPdf.Web.HttpHandler.PdfHttpHandler"/>
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Web
Imports RadPdf.Data.Document
Imports RadPdf.Data.Document.Common
Imports RadPdf.Data.Document.Objects
Imports RadPdf.Data.Document.Objects.Shapes
Imports RadPdf.Data.Document.Pages
Imports RadPdf.Integration
Public Class SignaturesPdfIntegrationProvider
Inherits PdfIntegrationProvider
Public Sub New()
' Add the signature font of our choice.
' This example uses Herr Von Muellerhoff which is an open source font (SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1).
' Herr Von Muellerhoff must be installed on your server. The TrueType file is provided by Google here:
Me.FontResources.Add(new PdfFontResource("Signature", "Herr Von Muellerhoff, cursive, serif", "Herr Von Muellerhoff"))
End Sub
Private Shared Sub ApplyTimestamp(ByVal document As PdfDocument, ByVal timestampText As String)
Const TimestampCustomData As String = "timestamp"
Dim dpi As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(document.Dpi)
' Add our watermark on each page
For Each p As PdfPage In document.Pages
Dim timestamp As PdfTextShape = DirectCast(FindOnPage(p, TimestampCustomData), PdfTextShape)
' If not found
If (timestamp Is Nothing) Then
timestamp = DirectCast(p.CreateObject(PdfObjectCreatable.ShapeText), PdfTextShape)
' Set custom data so we can find it next save and re-use it
timestamp.CustomData = TimestampCustomData
End If
' Set position
timestamp.Left = 0
timestamp.Top = dpi * 3
timestamp.Height = dpi \ 2
timestamp.Width = p.Width
timestamp.Rotation = PdfRotation.Rotation0
' Set properties
timestamp.Changeable = False
timestamp.Deletable = False
timestamp.Duplicatable = False
timestamp.HideFocusOutline = True
timestamp.Moveable = False
timestamp.Resizable = False
timestamp.Stylable = False
timestamp.Wrappable = True
' Set font
timestamp.Font.Alignment = PdfHorizontalAlignment.AlignCenter
timestamp.Font.Color = new PdfColor(Color.Red)
timestamp.Font.Size = dpi \ 3
' Set text
timestamp.Text = timestampText
End Sub
Private Shared Function FindOnPage(ByVal page As PdfPage, ByVal searchForCustomData As String) As PdfObject
For Each o As PdfObject In page.Objects
If (o.CustomData = searchForCustomData) Then
Return o
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Sub OnDocumentInit(ByVal e As DocumentInitEventArgs)
'Add Web font for client side
' ( is a more privacy conscious option vs.
e.ExternalStyle = ""
' Or to use Google Fonts:
' e.ExternalStyle = ""
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub OnDocumentPrinting(ByVal e As DocumentPrintingEventArgs)
Dim timestampText As String = "Last Printed " & DateTime.UtcNow.ToString()
ApplyTimestamp(e.Document, timestampText)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub OnDocumentSaving(ByVal e As DocumentSavingEventArgs)
Dim timestampText As String = "Last Saved " & DateTime.UtcNow.ToString()
ApplyTimestamp(e.Document, timestampText)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub OnDocumentSaved(ByVal e As DocumentSavedEventArgs)
' Reload the document client side after saving
e.ThenReloadDocument = true
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub ProcessObjectDataRequest(ByVal context As PdfDataContext)
Select context.Request.DataKey
Case "MyImageSignature"
' Write a file to the response
' Alternatively, we could also use the .Write method to write data from almost any source (e.g. database, memory, etc.)
End Select
End Sub
End Class